Metallurgical Engineering

This minor is designed to prepare students for professional engineering careers that require specialized training in metallurgy or for graduate studies in the metallurgical engineering field. In addition to the standard mechanical engineering curriculum, you will take advanced engineering courses covering the topics of engineering metallurgy, metallurgical transport, metallurgical thermodynamics, physical metallurgy, and metal casting. You will also develop specialized lab skills utilizing Trine's scanning electron microscope, foundry laboratory, and metallurgy laboratory. While the minor is open to any student at Trine, those enrolled in the mechanical engineering or chemical engineering degree programs will find the required courses most accessible. Mechanical engineering students can complete both their major and minor in the standard 132 credit hour curriculum.
Those interested in the minor should contact Dr. Darryl Webber of the Wade Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.
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For a complete description of the above requirements, please go to the Course Catalog.
Program Information
Metallurgical Engineering Minor
28 hours
Campus Location
Angola, IN