Trine sets record for spring semester enrollment
Trine University’s spring enrollment has once again set a record, with more than 13,000 enrolled across all locations and platforms.
April 19, 2017
Elisabeth Sharp McKetta, Ph.D., right, stands with Earl D. Brooks II, Ph.D., Trine University president, in Brooks’ office. McKetta spoke on campus for the ninth annual John J. McKetta, Jr. Chemical Engineering Speaker Series, named for her grandfather, an alumnus and longtime trustee of Trine University, and the namesake of Trine’s department of chemical and bioprocess engineering.
On Monday, April 17, Elisabeth McKetta, an author, storyteller and writing instructor
for Harvard University Extension School, spoke about “Energy: The Life of John J.
McKetta, Jr.,” including readings from her upcoming biography of her grandfather and
stories about the book’s formation. On Tuesday, April 18, she read from her book “Poetry
for Strangers Volume II” and shared stories from her experience of writing poems based
on strangers’ words. She also took part in a Meet the Poet session in Wells Gallery.
(Photo by Dean Orewiler)
At right, top: From left, Deb Strong, administrative assistant in the Dr. John J.
McKetta, Jr. Department of Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering; Amanda Malefyt, Ph.D.,
department chair and assistant professor; John E. Wagner, Ph.D., professor; Elisabeth
Sharp McKetta, Ph.D.; Majid Salim, Ph.D., associate professor; and Jeffrey Raymond,
laboratory technician/chemical hygiene officer. At right, second: Elisabeth Sharp
McKetta speaks Monday, April 17, in Fabiani Theatre.