Trine professor shares tips to protect against insurance scams
William Barge, Ph.D., professor of mathematics at Trine University, offers expert tips in a new article on protecting against life insurance scams.
March 14, 2019
Trine University President Earl D. Brooks II, Ph.D., has joined the presidents of 16 other private colleges and universities throughout Indiana in urging the state legislature to pass “an effective, enforceable and comprehensive bias crimes law.”
In a letter dated March 12 and addressed to Indiana House Speaker Brian Bosma as well as Indiana Senate President Rodric Bray, Indiana Representative Greg Steuerwald and Indiana Representative Tony Cook, the presidents express concern that the current version of Senate Bill 12 passed by the Indiana Senate lacks the detail needed to be effective.
“We are firmly convinced that a bias crimes law without an enumerated list of characteristics is not a functional bias crimes law,” the letter states.
The letter calls for legislators to include the enumerated list of characteristics originally included in Senate Bill 12. It also expresses concern that failure to pass a more comprehensive law will reflect negatively on the state, impacting student recruitment and Indiana’s ability to retain talented graduates for its workforce.
“We must let all Hoosiers and every American know that they are welcome in our state,” the letter states.
In addition to Brooks, the letter is signed by the presidents of Butler University, DePauw University, Earlham College, Franklin College, Goshen College, Hanover College, Indiana Tech, Manchester University, Marian University, Martin University, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, St. Mary’s College, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, the University of Indianapolis, the University of Notre Dame and Wabash College.