Trine sets record for spring semester enrollment
Trine University’s spring enrollment has once again set a record, with more than 13,000 enrolled across all locations and platforms.
May 16, 2019
Members of the Indiana State Board of Education had high praise for Trine University
and its teacher education programs during a regular board meeting held on the Trine
campus on May 1.
Prior to the meeting, board members toured Franks School of Education classrooms in Shambaugh Hall and learned more about Trine’s teacher education programs.
BJ Watts, chair of the State Board of Education, said Trine’s education students “were absolutely amazing ambassadors.”
“You made it very, very enjoyable, and it is a testament to the work you are doing here in your school of (education),” he said.
Branden Turner, an elementary education major, took members through the newly renovated Shambaugh 210 classroom in the Franks School of Education. The classroom features six digital screens, screen-casting software, enhanced wireless capabilities, new lighting, a large interactive screen, new seating options, new carpet and a new wall color scheme.
Turner said he highlighted not only the technology, but the flexible seating options and how the senior seminar class used the monitors on the wall to project value-added websites they created.
“I talked about how we were able to give real-time feedback on each other’s websites because of the streaming capabilities the tech provided,” he said.
“It was an incredible experience to not only be able to meet the State Board members, but to be able to present a little bit about what the Franks School of Education is all about,” he said. “I believe they were very impressed with our school and had a lot of very kind words about our program.”
Following the tour, the board met in the T. Furth Center for Performing Arts. Trine University President Earl D. Brooks II welcome board members and thanked them for their commitment to education.
Board member Tony Walker commended both Brooks and Franks School of Education Dean Tony Kline, Ph.D., for “some amazing cutting-edge innovation on teacher training.”
“I have seen so many great reasons for students interested in teaching to take a real hard look at Trine University,” he said.
He also praised Trine’s Education One as “our most outstanding charter authorizer in the state of Indiana.”
“I also want to say thank you to them for all the good work they do, and it’s a pleasure being here,” he said.
Anthony Kline, Ph.D., dean of the Franks School of Education, said the board requested to meet at Trine after hearing about the growth in Trine’s education programs and the work Trine teacher candidates are doing in community schools.
"It was a true honor to host the Indiana State Board of Education meeting on our campus,” he said.
Video of the complete meeting is online at youtube.com/watch?v=58bBStim0dI.
Photo: From left, Byron Ernest, Ph.D., of the Indiana State Board of Education and Anthony Kline, Ph.D., dean of the Franks School of Education.