For Deb Van Rie, Ph.D., Angola was a stop on the Indiana Toll Road between her home
in Mishawaka and graduate school at Bowling Green State University.
“Angola is approximately halfway between Mishawaka and Bowling Green,” she said. “In
fact, the first time I visited Bowling Green, I stopped in Angola for dinner on the
way back to Mishawaka.”
When she finished her Ph.D. in mathematics in 1991 and began looking for a teaching
position, Tri-State University had an opening. What had been a stopping point became
her focus for the next 28 years.
“Tri-State was the perfect fit for me, since the emphasis here is on teaching,” said
Van Rie, who retired at the end of the spring 2019 semester. “I also liked the fact
that Tri-State had so many students majoring in engineering, because that means they
are strong in math and eager to learn.”
She enjoyed the opportunity to teach different math courses. Though her favorite courses
are Abstract Algebra, Sets & Logic and Number Theory, she also enjoyed teaching Calculus
I in the fall, followed by Calculus II in the spring.
“I could work with the new freshmen for an entire year,” she said.
She has served as academic advisor to math and math education majors for about the
last 15 years, and appreciated that the Franks School of Education allowed her to
do classroom observations for student teachers.
“I enjoy keeping in touch with (math and math education) students over the years after
graduation,” she said.
Her favorite role at the university was serving as faculty athletic representative,
which she began when the university joined the MIAA conference in 2002. She said
she has enjoyed working with both the Registrar’s Office and the Athletic Department,
as well as seeing the increase in athletic facilities and sports offered at Trine.
“I am also a big fan of Trine University sports and have really loved attending games
and matches throughout the years,” she said.
Her favorite memories from her time at Trine are of the people she has met and befriended
“The faculty in the math department from 1991 until 2019 have been great friends of
mine. The students I taught and my many advisees have been wonderful,” she said. “Faculty
from other departments who have served with me on committees or worked with me on
other projects became my friends. Trine administrators and staff have welcomed me
into their offices and made me feel part of the team. Needless to say, I will miss
all of them.”
She is returning to Mishawaka for her retirement, with “no big plans except to relax
and not have to grade any more exams.”
Photo: Earl D. Brooks II, Ph.D., Trine University president, left, and John Shannon, Ph.D.,
vice president for academic affairs, right, present Deb Van Rie, Ph.D., with professor
emeritus status at the Commencement Breakfast on May 4.