Trine sets record for spring semester enrollment
Trine University’s spring enrollment has once again set a record, with more than 13,000 enrolled across all locations and platforms.
October 11, 2021
A Trine University mathematics student will present two mathematics colloquia in Wells Theater on the university campus.
Jacob Roeder of Granger, Indiana, will speak Thursday, Oct. 14, on “Graph Pebbling,” and Thursday, Oct. 28, on “Algebraically Defined Graphs.” Both events begin at 4 p.m., and are free and open to the public.
The topics come from research Roeder assisted in as part of a summer research experience for undergraduates.
Graph pebbling is a mathematical game played on an undirected graph with no loops or multiple edges. An (a,b) graph pebbling game involves two players who alternate making moves in the following manner: removing a pebbles from the a vertex and adding b pebbles to an adjacent vertex, with a greater than b. The first player having no available move loses the game.
Algebraically Defined Graphs discuses the properties of a specific polynomial in two variables.
Last Updated: 10/11/2021