Sigma Phi Epsilon

Since its founding at Trine University, Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity has strived to help its brothers become the best scholars, leaders, athletes, and gentlemen they can be. Sigma Phi Epsilon has the goal of creating “balanced men” through its brotherhood. Its driving principles are virtue, diligence, and brotherly love.
Sigma Phi Epsilon emphasizes philanthropy. Every October, the brothers turn their fraternity residence (115 S. Darling St.) into a haunted house, which is open to both Trine and Angola community members. Sigma Phi Epsilon also hosts Spike Fest annually, a campus-wide volleyball tournament. Both events raise funds for a local community member in need, which is different every year!
One of Sigma Phi Epsilons claims to fame at Trine is its SigEp Sliders events at the fraternity house on Tuesday evenings during the school year. Any Trine student is welcome to attend SigEp Sliders for free sliders, fries, and fellowship!
For more information, contact Sigma Phi Epsilon’s faculty advisor, Jeremy Howard, at, or follow Sigma Phi Epsilon on social media:
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Instagram - @trineusigep