Morgan Sapara

October 19, 2021

Morgan knew that she didn't want to be stuck behind a desk her whole life, which influenced her to become a civil engineer.

"I love the versatility in projects that civil engineers (CE) have, but mostly I enjoyed the impact I could have on future generations," she said. 

Morgan Sapara

Morgan is currently a Project Engineer/Inspector at CrossRoad Engineers in Indianapolis, Indiana. "I work on-site making sure what is designed on paper is being constructed in the field," she said. "I spend my office hours designing various transportation projects within the Indianapolis surrounding area." 

Morgan found CrossRoad Engineers at a Trine career fair that she attended her sophomore year. She interned with CrossRoad Engineers that summer. "I loved the hands on experience I had obtained and went back the following year for my second internship. I was offered a full-time position at CrossRoad Engineers during my senior year and was hired on as their first female engineer. Since then, I have spent time inspecting and managing multi-million dollar projects and designing multiple different projects around Indianapolis."

Morgan enjoys that she gets to be a part of the entire process with her job, she doesn't just do one thing all day. "I am constantly learning and growing as an engineer and a person," she said. "I am challenged daily to come up with new and out of the box solutions, I get to meet and coordinate with people who have 30+ years of experience and that helps me learn more. I always said that I never wanted to stop learning, and with the Civil Engineering field you get so many different projects and people coming in and out of your inbox that it is impossible to be bored."

Morgan thought that Trine placed a value on more than just book knowledge. She felt that she was prepared to step into the work force as a contributor to her team, rather than someone who knew how to look something up in a book.

"The professors in the CE department were always available and took time to help explain concepts rather than just the answer," she said. "This helped develop an all around understanding which could be applied to more scenarios than just the problem on the paper."

"I owe much of my development not only as an engineer, but as a person to the culture that is prevalent at Trine"
- Morgan Sapara

Morgan also noted that being from another country, there were many hurdles during her time at Trine. Though, professors and peers went the extra mile to help her and she really felt that she was a part of a family, and that has carried on past graduation.

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