Project Work Ideas

Science Fair

Consult your teachers - they will have ideas for good projects. Determine the objectives of your project. Obtain background information by reading and by talking with your science teacher. Plan your experimental procedure so that you can observe, measure, and record information. Keep daily records of your work and observations, and repeat your experiments to be sure that the data are reproducible. Later, gather your observations together and analyze the data.

Ask yourself: How do the results relate to the objectives of the project?


www.societyforscience.orgOpens in new window
The official site of the International Science and Engineering Fair

Rules for Indiana Elementary and Middle School Science Research - Follow the rules for International Science and Engineering Fair.

ISEF Overview - Guide of required forms for participation at Regional, State, and International Science Fairs. 

Deadlines for all projects, with special-forms timeline.

Intel International Science and Engineering Fair - International Rules and GuidelinesOpens in new window and Forms 2025 ISEF Rules
    Forms and other information can be found at

www.sefireg.orgOpens in new window
A not-for-profit organization that encourages young people to become scientists or engineers, and to practice their careers in Indiana. in new window
A great resource. Presents a great list of links to project ideas for Elementary and Middle School projects. or
Project ideas, guides, questions and answers. Good resource for teachers too.

Science News Explores. Project ideas, guides, questions and answers.