Course Reserves
Course reserves are materials set aside for class use, either in the LINK, or electronically in Moodle. Because an entire class needs to use the materials, shorter loan limits are placed on these items at the discretion of faculty members, either two hours or 24 hours. Two-hour reserve items are not allowed to leave the library.
Looking up Reserves: To look up items that your professors have placed on reserve, go to the Course Reserve Manager and search for individual items or for an entire course. To see all items your professor has placed on reserve, you can enter their last name and the course title or a keyword from the course title.
If a title is underlined, you can click on it to find out the items availability. If a title is not underlined, it means the item is personally owned by your professor and you will have to check directly with the library for availability.
To place an item on reserve, please fill out this form. Material can be reserved within the LINK, and electronic reserves can be placed directly into a Moodle course. All material placed online must comply with U.S. copyright law and Trine University copyright policy. Contact your librarian for more information about copyright compliance.